Improvement of occupational health and safety conditions and work environment for the employees is a priority goal for Mapar Company Group.
In accord with the provisions of International Labour Organisation Contract No. 138 regarding the working age, the company undertakes not to employ anyone under the age of mandatory education applicable in their country or children under 15 years of age in any case.
There will be no discrimination on basis of language, race, gender, political ideology, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other similar grounds; no one will be subjected to lower wages for the same or equivalent work on grounds of abovementioned characteristics.
No matter what their work station, age or task, the company commits to provide the employees with trainings necessary to enable them to perform their duty according to professional requirements and continue their professional development.
Mapar Company Group provides its employees with paid leave in accord with national legislation and practices.
The company adopts the principle of fair wage for fair work and complies with the International Labour Organisation Contract No. 100 regarding the principle of equal wage for equal work.